About Hearing Loss
It is estimated that one in six New Zealanders suffer from some degree of hearing loss. By 2050 this is predicted to increase to one in four.
Some causes of hearing loss include damage to the inner ear, exposure to noise, a build-up of earwax, infections and a ruptured eardrum.
If you think you, or someone you care about has a hearing loss, our message is simple: get help promptly.
Read more about hearing loss below, or drop in or phone us on 835 7790.
Is your hearing at risk? Noise induced hearing loss occurs when your ears are exposed to unsafe sound levels over a period of time. It doesn't hurt and it can take many years before you detect a problem. Unfortunately, noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible. It usually affects both ears and can make it hard to understand speech.
You can't reverse hearing loss, so take steps to protect your hearing:
Tinnitus is the name given to noises in the ears and/or head that are unrelated to any outside sound - often described as a ringing in the ears. It is not a disease but a problem in the auditory (hearing) pathway or the central nervous system of the brain. Tinnitus affects almost 1 in 10 New Zealanders.
Tinnitus can occur due to aging, exposure to loud noise, injuries, infection, stress, raised blood pressure, medication, surgery or inner-ear pressure. The brain tries to make sense of the change in your hearing system, by amplifying the change, and therefore creating tinnitus.
Our Hearing Advisor offers free independent support, advice and tips for people with tinnitus. Ring 835 7790 for an appointment, or drop in to the Hearing Centre.
Audiologists are health care professionals trained to diagnose, treat and manage hearing loss. Audiologists fit hearing aids and help you adjust to the hearing aid gradually with a programme of rehabilitation. Click here for a list of Audiologists in Hawke' Bay.
If you have been diagnosed with a hearing loss, you may be considering a hearing aid. Asking the right questions can help you understand your condition better, and enable you to make the right choice for your lifestyle and needs. Click here for a list of questions to consider.
Wax build up can significantly reduce the sounds you are hearing, and the performance of your hearing aids. Specially trained ear nurses can remove the wax using a microscope and a gentle micro-suctioning vacuum.
Click here for a list of Ear Nurses in Hawke's Bay, or contact us at the Hearing Centre.
Hearing aids are expensive, but there is funding available to help you with the cost. Audiologists can access funding through ACC, Environment Support Services, Government Subsidies, Work and Income NZ and War Pensions. For more information go to the Ministry of Health's Guide to Getting Hearing Aids.
Once you have hearing aids, you may qualify for a subsidy towards battery costs – call us on 835 7790 for more information.
Hearing loss in children can cause developmental delay and learning problems if left undetected.
If you are concerned about your child's hearing contact the Vision Hearing Technicians to arrange a time to screen their hearing:
Napier: 06 834 1815, Hastings: 06 879 9440
Newborn children are screened through Hastings Hospital - call the Audiology Department on 878 8109 (ext 6905) for more information.